Conor hits the airwaves!

Ah yesh, all the STUFF you need! A couple of days before Juliet #1 was released I had the privilege of going on the radio in NYC to make an appearance on the Stuph File - an  eclectic radio program hosted by Peter Anthony Holder. We talked about Kill Shakespeare, the new series Juliet, the hidden city of my birth, and EXACTLY how arrogant we were in deciding to rewrite this little known literary hack called Shakespeare...I'm on with a doctor who invented a "Hangover Heaven Bus" to help the, uh,  overly enthusiastic denizens of Las Vegas, and a super  talented writer/producer of the web-series 'Riley' - about a child star's life gone horribly, hilariously wrong as an adult.Go here to check out the episode -- we're #0398 if it's no longer at the top of the page.But if you're not interested in one of the most bizarre news summaries you'll ever hear, the Doctor to the Drunk, the fate of a child star all-  grown up, and The Idiot of The Day, you can just listen to my segment here.Enjoy!      

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An Afternoon (and early evening) in Paradise!

Just wanted to write a quick thanks to everyone who took the time to come out to our signing for JULIET #1 at the AMAZING Paradise Comics.I had a great time seeing some old friends (Keith WTS Morris, yes! Doug and Peter), and making LOTS of new ones (including Peter's terminally cute little girl, Violet.) Below are pictures of super fans, Rachel, Dominic (aka the Kiwi Kid), The Voltron Sisters, the Big A and Terran - whose also the winner of out Twitter picture contest and will now win a copy of Juliet #1 when it comes out in trade.Can't wait to do it all again for issue #2!IMG_20170405_160050847IMG_20170405_165958354IMG_20170405_164931700IMG_20170405_181959411IMG_20170405_155908087

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