Kill Shakespeare in New York!

It feels like such a long time since I've attended a convention (when in reality it's only been about six week or so)... But that (self-perceived) drought ends this weekend as I'm attending Special Edition: NYC!

special edition logo

This is a new convention and an extension of the uber-popular New York Comic-Con held every year in October.  I  figured that since I'm currently staying in New York I should check out the show and bring with me copies of our three volumes as well something brand new - copies of the first issue of The Mask of Night before it's even released (released next Wednesday, June 18th)!I will be at Table O2 all weekend so come by and visit!The show is on Saturday (the 14th) and Sunday (the 15th) at the Javits Centre North (for those that have been to NYCC before it's where Artists Alley always is).  It'll be a smaller and more intimate show so I'm really looking forward to that aspect, as well as hanging out with some really talented fellow artists and creators.So come on by and check out the show


First Page of The Mask of Night


Where it all began