Pictures from that most latin of North American cities. The one that never sleeps - the one that starts with an "M"

... Montreal. I know, I know that I just got back from Miami and you want photos of Manatees and Martinis, but some of you have been bugging me for awhile about La Belle Province."Conor," you say, "Where are all those photos you promised from Montreal? You took like a dozen of you and the belly dancer alone!"And I had to confess that because I am technologically dumb I had somehow managed to save my Montreal photos in a strange directory that I could not find to upload them.But lo and behold! While taking photos for my time at the Miami Book Fair, I managed to save THOSE photos in the same place and this time, sitting along in my hotel room with nothing but tap water and angst, I managed to CRACK THE CODE.So here we go -- a small sample of the VERY delayed Montreal photos are here, as well as a video from the show of a hoarse-voiced me trying to pitch a girl on the merits of Kill Shakespeare, but all she's REALLY interested in is my celebrity look-alike...For all the photos cruise over to our Facebook page: Miami photos and stories will be along in a day or so.Hugs,ConorThe very talented Steve Paugh has a "Trouble with Tribbles" moment.20130915_14361920130915_16170820130914_19195020130914_14470420130915_163732And now the video!


Ye Olde Black Friday Sale!


Kill Shakespeare flies off the stage!