Cover for Issue #4 (sneak peek)!

We've received word from IDW that the fourth issue of The Tide of Blood is being released next week - Wednesday, May 29th.  We're pretty happy with the fourth issue - it takes the story in some new and cool directions.  And, of course, the artwork by Andy Belanger is amazing.We'll be posting previews of the artwork from the next issue all of this week.  Today we'll start by posting the cover of the issue.For this cover we brought in uber-talented Canadian illustrator Nimit Malavia to design a cover of Juliet and Romeo.  It's a bit of a variation from earlier covers but I think adds a really nice flourish to the series.  For those unfamiliar with Nimit's work check out his website here and Twitter page here.

Kill Shakespeare The Tide of Blood

And don't forget to pick up The Tide of Blood #4 in comic book shops next week!


Anthony in London this weekend (UK)!


Conor's Con Pix Galore! (And an ANDY B. retrospective: "A Man and his Beard")