Today, some thirty years ago more or less (well more, but whose REALLY counting?), Anthony Del Col came onto the scene.Please join me in wishing him a wonderfully happy birthday and here's hoping he survivies yet ANOTHER death defying stunt on his big day. The stout-hearted man has taken on sky-diving, bungie cord jumping, working with me, and now he's set to take on another daredevil adventure -- walking the EDGE of the CN TOWER!For a look at what Anthony is going to face watch a few minutes of this video -- I can't wait for the photo of Anthony sitting in thin air.Anthony, you're a great partner, but more importantly than that you bring joy to every room you walk into and a smile to every face.Have a great one - and here is a little birthday song for you!


Signing at Tucson's HEROES AND VILLAINS next Friday!


Quick glimpse from FanExpo