Anthony at ALA 2012

I arrived yesterday in Los Angeles after a five-hour delay.  I boarded my first plane but before it could take off the pilot discovered a small malfunction and we had to switch to another plane.  The same thing happened with the second plane.  It wasn't until the third one that we were finally able to get into the air...

I've got one day here in LA and then head to Anaheim tomorrow to attend the American Library Association Annual Conference 2012! It's the annual conference that features about 20,000 of the top librarians from the continent and I will be there to sell and promote Kill Shakespeare.  I'll be at Table 577 if you're at the show - come by and say hello!As well, I will be presenting a presentation "How a Team of Canadians are Trying to Kill Shakespeare" on Saturday from 2pm - 3pm on the Graphic Novel Stage and then "Twists on the Tale: Reinventing Classics in Comics" on Saturday from 4:30 - 5:00 with fellow panelists Nathan Hale (Rapunzel's Revenge) and Christina Strain (The Fox Sister), moderated by the amazing Robin Brenner.If you're attending the ALA (#ALA12) please swing by my table - I'd love to meet you and tell you about the exciting things that are happening in the Kill Shakespeare world!


Anthony Interviewed at ALA


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