On our way to Dubai!

After a very busy weekend where Conor represented Kill Shakespeare at the Toronto Wizard World Con, and I was in Chicago at C2E2 (photos to be posted in the next day or two), we again split up duties this week.Artist Andy Belanger will be appearing at the Boston Comic-Con.  He will have a limited number of books and t-shirts available for sale and signing so make sure you visit him early - and often!Meanwhile, Conor and I fly off tomorrow (I'm currently at a hotel in Newark writing this) to Dubai to take part in the first-ever Middle East Film & Comic-Con.  Yes, Dubai.  We're taking our bashing of the Bard to a whole new continent and it should be a blast.

We are currently slated to sit in on a panel entitled "The Art of Telling the Story" on Friday afternoon from 2:15 - 3pm and will also be doing signings both afternoons at the IDW Publishing panel.  We will have a limited number of books for sale at the show (our stock is almost completely sold out) so make sure that you swing by early to pick it up.

We look forward to posting more highlights from our trip over the next few days.  This will be my second time in Dubai (I visited for a few days back in 2009) and the first time for Conor.  It'll be great to see how much of an influence Shakespeare has in the Middle East - it's a fact-finding mission for us!

I'm sure we'll post much about it later but in advance we'd like to thank Kuo Liang, Sohaib Awan, Ben Caddy and Arafaat Ali Khan for their early help in making this big trip possible!

More to follow!


A view from Dubai...


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