Blowing winds take us to C2E2 this weekend!

The past few weeks have been an absolute blur - and blast - which have found me in Anaheim/LA (WonderCon and meetings), Seattle (Emerald City), Boston (SAA) and, in a few days, Chicago.  Which, of course, will be very promptly followed by Dubai (but more on that tomorrow...).

I'm heading to Chicago later this week to take part in C2E2, one of the largest (and fastest growing) cons in the U.S.  It should be a great time - it's a city with a great theatre crowd and I know that we've sold well in Chi-town stores.  I look forward to meeting with existing readers, convincing more to check us out, and hanging out in the city (it's my first time there).  Amongst other things I'll be checking out the Improvised Shakespeare Company on Friday night - they are a talented troupe the improvises a Shakespeare production on the spot - should be a good time.If you're in the Chicago and surrounding area (or a surrounding state) come by and check us out!  I'll be located at Booth 703 the entire weekend.  Also helping me out with be the amazing Sarah Hunter as well as Christina Hall.


Rounding up stormtroopers in Dubai


All the World's the SAA!