Kill Shakespeare in the Big Apple (NYCC 2011)

The New York Comic-Con will always hold a special place in my heart.  Yes, it's the largest show on the East Coast.  Yes, it gives me a chance to visit my favourite city (and some friends, including the great K.S. friend Vanessa King).  Yes, we've made a lot of fans there in the past.  However, the biggest reason it holds a special place is that it was at NYCC almost three years ago where we first went to pitch Kill Shakespeare and walked away with a lot of interest and buzz on the project.

We are returning this year and since IDW Publishing doesn't have a booth we will having our own.  We will be located in the small press publishing area, BOOTH 2844.  Conor, myself and Andy will be there the entire weekend, signing copies of our issues and our first graphic novel, selling original artwork, selling our merchandise (t-shirts, pins).  Also, there is a chance we may have a SPECIAL PRODUCT that will be available at the show (we'll know more in the next week or so if that will be the case).So make plans to come and visit us at the show - it should be a great one!


Letters from Germany!


Another Kill Shakespeare Appearance in the Digital World