A story in three panels!

This past Tuesday Conor and I were fortunate to be able to visit the Pickering Public Library to discuss Kill Shakespeare, the Bard and the comics-making process.  We've done a few of these presentations now and we're really enjoying them.

One thing we do every time is a breakout session in which the audience (normally between the ages of 12-19) have a chance to create their own three-panel comic.  We started this part of the seminar, with the help of Andy Belanger, a few months ago and it goes over really well.This time we created a contest for the best/most creative comic and built it on the theme of "My Trip to the Library". The comics created this past Tuesday were all really strong, some involved Unobtainium, asteroids, syphilis, and sleep. The winner of this night's contest was James Hennebury, who created a simple three-strip comic - he built it up as a Bourne Identity-esque thriller, danger outside, and then a simple walk across the street to the library.  Very effective storytelling with a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Congrats James, and thanks to everyone that came out in Pickering.  And thanks to Liz for organizing the event!


Issue #12 is off to the presses!


Ve are big in Chermany!