"I don’t know whether it’s the title’s hook, savvy PR work or both"

Kevin Melrose this morning, in his Comics A.M. column on ComicBookResources.com, wrote the following:"I don’t know whether it’s the title’s hook, savvy PR work or both, but the creators of the IDW miniseries Kill Shakespeare receive a steady stream of mainstream press coverage. Here’s the latest, an interview with collaborators Anthony Del Col, Conor McCreery and Andy Belanger ahead of a weekend appearance in London, Ontario. [London Free Press]"

Dan Brown, a fan of ours = and other great comics - from London, ON, wrote one of the best articles about us thus far.  It was an astute look at the series, its conception, and its future.  It's also featured in today's print edition of the London Free Press, so we're excited to see a physical copy - and to meet Dan at our signing at L.A. Moods Comics on Saturday afternoon (the 12th)!




Reprint of Issue #1!